Whether you agree with me or not, I think Ivanka Trump looks lovely.
I’m not just talking about her face in particular even though this is the area I’ll be focusing on in this post.
Yes, I want to see what she looks like without makeup.
Check it out.
1. Fresh Morning Look

It was a beautiful morning and you can see how fresh Ivanka looks with that gorgeous smile. In fact, it was so early that she didn’t even bother to put on makeup.
But, who would blame her?
2. Hold my hand, dear

Forget that beautiful ocean, it is Jared Kushner’s hand that she wants to see and hold.
3. Getting ready for a casual day out

It is unusual to see Ivanka ditching her lipstick and expensive clothing. I guess she just wanted a break and perferred to have a casual day out instead.
But I must say, she chose the wrong handbag for that outfit.
4. Looking messy on a balcony

Not sure if this picture was taken from the balcony of her home or a hotel. But this is probably the only place you’ll find her without makeup and looking this messy.
5. In the gym room

When you see Ivanka in the gym room with no eyeshadow and foundation on, it means she’s ready for a good workout.
6. Waking up selfie

Looks like our former first daughter has just woken up in her bedroom and decides to take a “No Makeup” selfie. That’s the definition of confident beauty right there!

Ivanka was just going for a jog when she suddenly saw something hidden between the cracks of the wall. I wonder what she found?
8. The magic of the bathroom mirror

I’ve noticed this among many famous people.
Whenever they see the bathroom mirror, they must get their phone camera out and take a quick selfie.
In this case, we have a barefaced Ivanka inside her own bathroom and guess what? The same magic applies.
9. A mother’s smile is the most beautiful

This was Ivanka in hospital after giving birth to her son. Even though she was makeup-free but it proves that a mother’s smile is the most beautiful thing in the world.