About Us

Want To Be The Knockout?

Whether your answer is yes or no, we’d like to welcome you to our website.

Let’s be honest. Everyone digs celebrities but our main focus is on how they become the knockout that they are today.

Yes, our team is here to take a close look at every aspect that makes them attractive. We try to get the best ideas about their beauty, hair, fashion, diet, fitness, and lots more.

You may learn a few things, or not, but you’ll find our content very interesting.

Our Team

Thomas Wooten

Thomas is a certified fitness coach hailing from the bustling streets of New York City.

With a degree in exercise science and nutrition and a background in competitive bodybuilding, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our site.

Siena Mason

After getting an Associate of Arts degree in San Diego, Siena started working as a front office coordinator for a plastic surgery practice from downtown Los Angeles.

She’s a total celebrity gossip junkie and with her insider knowledge and a keen interest in all things Hollywood, she has a unique perspective on the world of celebrity plastic surgery and all the latest buzz.

Sonny Tenorio

Sonny is a a young tattoo artist born and raised in Philly, who’s now taking over New York with his passion for minimalist tattoos and all things art.

He has a natural talent for drawing and painting, and thanks to his keen eye for detail he creates truly unique (and beautiful) tattoos!

Emma Menzie

With a passion for all things hair and a talent for creating the perfect cut, Emma is a country girl with big dreams.

She’s now a hairstylist in sunny Miami and in the next couple of years she plans to open her own salon in the Magic City.

Kass Barrera

Kass is here to bring you an inside scoop on celebrity plastic surgery and the latest trends in the field.

With a sharp eye for spotting work and years of experience in the industry, she’s worked with several renowned plastic surgeons from the sunny Los Angeles.

View our disclaimer, copyright policies, terms of service and privacy policy.

Social Media

You can follow Be The Knockout on: Facebook and Pinterest.

Work with Us

If you know a lot about plastic surgery and can spot when celebrities have had work done, we’d love for you to write for our website.

We’re looking for people who can talk about the changes celebrities make and explain how they do it, from facelifts to other kinds of cosmetic procedures. Interested contributors can reach us at: contact@betheknockout.com.

Please note that we don’t consider unsolicited guest submissions, articles, blogs, infographics, or posts.

Contact Us

We always love to hear from our readers. For any feedback, advertising opportunities or press inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at contact@betheknockout.com or using the contact form here.

If you prefer to give us a call or send a traditional letter, our address is 18 Somesului Street, Sibiu, 550003, Romania, and our phone number is +40 745 999 805.


Be The Knockout is operated by OMG SRL, a limited liability company registered in Romania.

Trusted by more than 15 million people every year to make informed decisions and find inspiration. OMG’s other brands include Luxatic, HomeDSGN, Watches You Can Afford, Invest Some Money, The Pet Savvy and more.